3D Printing

3D Printing Is Growing Up In Additive Manufacturing

3d printing

While the days of consumer hype are now behind us, 3D printing can still seem like sci-fi from much of its mainstream portrayal. Movies and TV still treat the technology more like magic than a reality on many of today’s manufacturing shop floors. Behind the “you can 3D print anything!” tagline, though, is not only a viable technology suite but a maturing industry. The latest sign of maturity in 3D printing is an onslaught of merger and acquisition activity.

In the early days of the 3D printing industry — when the technology was more commonly called “rapid prototyping” than “additive manufacturing” — two companies reigned supreme. 3D Systems DDD -1.2% and Stratasys SSYS -2.1% invented and held the patents on two of the first commercially available (and commercially successful) 3D printing technologies: stereolithography (SLA) and fused deposition modeling (FDM), respectively. These two behemoths led the way for many of the companies that would follow.

They also led the way in M&A activity. 3D Systems and Stratasys together acquired no fewer than 60 companies between 2001 and 2015. Adding technologies, patents, and other significant IPs to their portfolios strengthened their market positions while also taking out the competition.

When the hype cycle bottomed out around 2015, consumer interest dropped — but industry interest and development continued. The technologies continued to expand, especially as key original patents expired. Startups introduced fused filament fabrication (FFF), for example, which is effectively FDM technology minus the trademarked name. These companies, as well as those introducing wholly new 3D printing processes, came onto the market in a big way. While of course many startups flopped, others have flourished. Today, ASTM recognizes seven categories of 3D printing technology, rather a pickup from the original two.

For those seven processes to work, they also required ongoing development in terms of increasingly powerful 3D modeling software and appropriately formulated materials. For all of that to work, a stronger, more educated workforce evolved, with formal training — up to the Ph.D. level — appearing globally. Altogether, this evolution has created a vast worldwide 3d printer filament industry comprising hundreds of companies and thousands of employees.

Over the last few years, companies have been highlighting the importance of co-creation, collaboration, and other joint project work. 3D printing is a tool in the toolbox, and no single technology will always be the best-fit option for every job, every time. The best application solutions arise from access to multiple options — both plastic and metal 3D printing, for example, often working alongside traditional injection molding, casting, or milling.

Going into 2020, the additive manufacturing industry was growing well. That year, though, created new opportunities for these technologies, as international supply chain disruptions necessitated localized production capabilities. Decentralized production is one of the largest benefits of additive manufacturing, and the industry rallied to address broken supply chains. Stop-gap supply response opened up more possibilities for the industry, including long-term impact. Many 3D printing companies raised massive investment rounds even in the midst of global pandemic and troubled economic conditions. These proof points underscored the maturation of these technologies.

The additive manufacturing industry itself is now seeing further strong evidence of maturation: a notable uptick in M&A activity.

Among some of the highest-profile 3D printing M&A moves in the last few months have been:

  • Stratasys acquiring Origin (completed December 2020)
  • Stratasys acquiring RPS (announced February 2021)
  • Desktop Metal acquiring EnvisionTEC (completed February 2021)
  • DSM acquiring parts of Clariant’s 3D printing portfolio (announced June 2020)
  • Covestro acquiring DSM Resins & Functional Materials line of business, including DSM Additive Manufacturing (announced September 2020)
  • Protolabs acquiring 3D Hubs (announced January 2021)
  • ALTANA acquiring TLS Technik (completed February 2021)

Additionally, other major corporate moves have positioned highly-valued pure-play 3D printing companies as publicly traded entities. Desktop Metal first announced its move toward the NYSE over the summer and rang the bell in mid-December 2020. That deal, completed through a SPAC (special purpose acquisition company) merger, laid the groundwork for Desktop Metal’s first polymer portfolio expansion with the EnvisionTEC acquisition. It also set the scene for competitor Markforged to go the SPAC route in a move announced this month to go public. Both companies have high valuations (over $2 billion) and are pointing toward the next phase for the industry: Additive Manufacturing 2.0.

Interestingly, 3D Systems has also been divesting certain businesses that had come in during its earlier acquisition spates. The company sold Cimatron and GibbsCAM in November 2020 and has made interesting moves since. Just this week, for example, 3D Systems announced the development of its own FFF-style 3D printer with digital manufacturing company Jabil +1.2%.

The strategic rationale behind these moves varies, but it’s clear to see the market reshaping. As more players come together in increasing M&A activity, the 3D printing industry as a whole is repositioning itself on the global stage. Distributed manufacturing, powered by digital manufacturing processes like 3D printing, is set to play an ever-larger role in the global industry.

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